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Exercise, Life, Running, Swimming, Weight loss

Morning vs. Nighttime Running

Hello! Short week is almost done! It’s been taking me half the day to wake up because I’m working again this week and getting dropped off by my husband just before 7 am so that he can make it to work on time. I am not a morning person. I used to be. I was the person at sleepovers who would wake up by at least 7:30 no matter the bedtime the night before. Nowadays, getting up around 6 is not fun. My body is rebelling against this new schedule. Sigh.

So today was my first run in about a week and a half because of the pains I’ve been dealing with in my left leg. It went better than I had expected. I didn’t push to go too far because I’m not sure where my knee is at, but we ran about 1.25 miles and walked another .6 in horrible humidity. It didn’t feel like Florida or anything but seeing as how we ran at 8:45 pm after the sun had set, it was pretty bad. My average pace for the running portion was like 12:02 min/mi BUT that included 2 minutes of walking so according to my eyeing of the pace chart, it was closer to 10:30 min/mi which is pretty decent for me. It was so hot that when we came back that I was drenched in sweat. Excuse me, I meant glistening. My sister claims she never sweats and she only “glistens”. Whatever. I read an interesting article in one of my magazines about working out in the morning VS at night and I’m going to continue that discussion below.

Tuesday was swim day. Lately I feel like it’s taking me much longer to warm up and fall into my swimming rhythm. I think part of it is that I’m (unintentionally) starting out at my fastest swim pace which is kind of weird because the first 100m feels like I’m swimming through molasses. It takes me around 300-500m to fall into a rhythm where it doesn’t feel like I’m fully out of breath every 50m that I swim. I’m not 100% sure what to do about this when I comes to the race because I don’t really want to wait until halfway through my swim to get it together. Is this why people run around a bit before they start? That’s the only thing I can think of to do at this point that might help. If that doesn’t work then I’ll have to do some more research into this. I ended up a little short of my planned distance by swimming only 900m because one of my earplugs broke its seal and it didn’t feel comfortable. My average pace, not including stops, was 2:02/100m.


Swimming was followed by a summer corn chowder bread bowl at Panera which is one of my favorite soups. I haven’t gone for a bread bowl in so long because it’s too much food but it’s rough because I really like sourdough, especially with this soup. I couldn’t eat it all but it was delish.

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Biking, Exercise, Weight loss

Biking on the BWI Trail Loop – Best Biking in Maryland

Sunday was a beautiful spring day. Probably the most perfect day you could ask for when going out for a ride. The trees were bright green from the budding new leaves, it was in the low-mid 60s, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I’ve been researching trails and parks within the Baltimore-Washington corridor for going on Sunday rides and the BWI trail loop stood out to me as one worth trying. It’s a good distance at 10.5-11 miles and I didn’t even know this trail existed until a few weeks ago.

Parking for the BWI trail

Getting there was slightly more complicated because I initially thought that 176 intersected with 195 but I didn’t realize until a little too late so we ended up driving around almost the entire airport before finding the parking lot we were aiming for. We arrived around 12:30 pm and the parking lot was crowded. All the spots were filled and there were at least a 1/2 dozen cars waiting for spots to open up. We 3-point turned out of there and went in search of another place to park.

Thomas A. Dixon Jr. Aircraft Observation Area Sign

We drove a less than half a mile down the road towards I-97 before noticing a dirt-patch parking area. This wasn’t a place listed on the websites I had read about but there were no signs prohibiting parking anywhere around the parking lot. It was obvious that at least 2-3 other cars had done the same thing because they had bike racks hanging off the back of the car. Another 1-2 cars were there from people parking to fish in the pond adjacent. So it turned out to be the most convenient alternative parking for the BWI Trail Loop.

BWI trail loop alternative parking
Yellow arrow points to the recommended parking at Thomas A. Dixon Observation Area. Pink arrow points to the dirt lot where we parked.

Directions and Views of BWI

We started our ride following the trail in the clockwise direction. I was expecting the loop to be more attached and in view of the airport and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t really at all. You have a few great spots to observe airport goings-on but the rest of the trail is along other roads and through some wooded areas.


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Exercise, Food, Meal Planning, Weight loss

April Goals

I had a very small list of goals that I made mentally around the beginning of the year that would lead up to the end of March. I knew at this point, we would have been moved back to Maryland and the weather would be getting warm enough for me to be spending more time outside (which equals a happier me). I’ve slacked some over the last few weeks when it comes to doing any real dedicated exercise but I’ve managed a walks on most days and one swim.


I really wanted to get my 1000m (probably yards but well… it’s only a difference of 85…) swim time under 25 minutes by the time we moved back, which came a lot easier than I expected it to. I think my fastest 1000m so far has been 23 and as I get back into training, I’m expecting that to improve. Most of my swims have been in the 1200-1300m distance. I try to swim for at least 30 minutes whenever I go.

Over the next month, I want to keep working on that time by incorporating a couple of drills and doing more intervals which really push me! I’m aiming for 2 swim sessions a week. Also I want to do some outside work on strengthening my shoulders and arm muscles. I’ll try and share the different exercises I like to do for those in a future post.

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Healthy eating, Meal Planning, Recipes, Vegetarian, Weight loss

Lunchtime Yummies

I wanted to share a quick photo of my lunch because it was really that delicious! I cooked the sweet potato in the microwave last night and reheated it for lunch. I made a modified version of the farro salad last night as well and it’s exceeded my expectations. This was one of the recipes I’ve been looking at making for a while now and I think it’s going to become a regular for sure. I’d recommend trying it!

Mediterranean Farro Salad and Sweet Potato for Lunch

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Healthy eating, Meal Planning, Vegetarian, Weight loss

A Week of Healthy Vegetarian Meal Planning

Meal planning is something that I’ve done somewhat ever since I’ve been married but I’ve never stayed extremely dedicated to the plan because I’d get tired or lazy some weeks and eventually end up just buying groceries willy-nilly. Whenever I do take the time though, I eat healthier, spend less money on food overall and I feel better all around.

Usually I like to meal plan on Fridays or Sundays, so I’m a day late and my week calendar will be off a day, but I’ll sort that out for next time. I like to center my meals more around natural/fresh foods so I am eating minimal amounts of processed foods and additives. And in case you didn’t know, I’m vegetarian preferring vegan most of the time.

The main goals for this week are to prepare and eat ALL the planned meals, NO going out to eat for this week. Drink more water throughout the day.

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Exercise, Weight loss

Women: Do you feel safe exercising alone?

This early onset of spring is so wonderful and I’ve been trying to soak up this warmth that makes me so happy by going on a lot of walks! The birds are all singing loudly because they’re so happy too. I’m excited to start running again soon, but I’m taking it slow at the moment due to spinal issues that won’t allow the high impact. So walking has to be good enough for the time being.

Earlier today, I went for a walk through the neighborhood and while I was out, I passed a handful of guys throwing a football around in a driveway. Just after I had passed by the foot of the driveway, one or two of the guys started cat-calling and making some offensive noises. I just kept walking and acted as if I didn’t notice what they were doing, but it set my mind on a series of thoughts that I have from time to time when I’m out exercising alone.

Do I feel safe when I’m out by myself? Maybe it’s irrational, but I doubt that I’m the only one who has these kinds of thoughts. They may not be the most common stories you see on the daily news, but there are enough stories of young women being abducted or abused to make me feel uncomfortable in certain situations. I don’t want to feel unsafe or that I have to bring my husband along each time I go out for a walk or a run but I do feel safer when he’s with me and that makes me sad.

Maybe I’m blowing an innocent enough situation out of proportion, but I don’t think it’s ok to objectify women and make them feel unsafe when they’re alone. Am I the only one who ever feels that tinge of fear?

Spring Walk
In front of the gates to Muhammad Ali’s estate.

In other news, moving day is in less than 2 days! We’re on our way back to Maryland and will be officially through with living in Michigan. It’s been most of 6 years that we’ve lived up here and now it’s finally coming to a close. I don’t know if I can say it’s bittersweet but there are a handful of things that I will miss having close by, namely St. Joseph and Lake Michigan.

Also, I made my first microwaved sweet potato today! It actually turned out pretty well and it’s kind of nice that I didn’t have to wait 45+ minutes for it to cook in the microwave. Winning!

Anyways, keep us in your thoughts for the next 48 hours as we drown in packing boxes and a long drive. <3
