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Life, Vegetarian

Special Anniversaries

So after enjoying a few days of pretty nice weather, it feels like winter outside again. As a person who loves being warm, this makes me very sad. I’m also sad when it’s an overcast and dreary day… which led me to this thought today: Would I rather it be cold and sunny or warm and rainy?

Give me a few minutes to think about that one.

Yesterday was a special day for me and the hubby. We were celebrating 6 years of dating. 6 y.e.a.r.s. It’s kind of crazy to think about how much time has passed and all the things we’ve been through together since that time and I’m just so happy and blessed to have him in my life. I can’t imagine my life without him and I don’t want to. We celebrated our week of healthy eating by doing the opposite and stuffing ourselves at The Cheesecake Factory.

The Cheesecake Factory

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Healthy eating, Meal Planning, Recipes, Vegetarian, Weight loss

Lunchtime Yummies

I wanted to share a quick photo of my lunch because it was really that delicious! I cooked the sweet potato in the microwave last night and reheated it for lunch. I made a modified version of the farro salad last night as well and it’s exceeded my expectations. This was one of the recipes I’ve been looking at making for a while now and I think it’s going to become a regular for sure. I’d recommend trying it!

Mediterranean Farro Salad and Sweet Potato for Lunch

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Healthy eating, Meal Planning, Vegetarian, Weight loss

A Week of Healthy Vegetarian Meal Planning

Meal planning is something that I’ve done somewhat ever since I’ve been married but I’ve never stayed extremely dedicated to the plan because I’d get tired or lazy some weeks and eventually end up just buying groceries willy-nilly. Whenever I do take the time though, I eat healthier, spend less money on food overall and I feel better all around.

Usually I like to meal plan on Fridays or Sundays, so I’m a day late and my week calendar will be off a day, but I’ll sort that out for next time. I like to center my meals more around natural/fresh foods so I am eating minimal amounts of processed foods and additives. And in case you didn’t know, I’m vegetarian preferring vegan most of the time.

The main goals for this week are to prepare and eat ALL the planned meals, NO going out to eat for this week. Drink more water throughout the day.

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