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Exercise, Training, Triathlon, Weight loss

Pilates workout for your legs and core

3 workouts for this week. Next week will be a better week because of the work I’ve put in now. At least I have to keep telling myself this. Winter makes me lethargic and it’s hard to want to do anything and apparently I’m not alone. This article gives some tips on how to deal with the winter blues.

Anyways, here’s this week’s workouts!

fitness tracker

Monday: Feb. 1, Zumba for 35 minutes. Pilates strength workout for 15 minutes.

Tuesday: Feb. 2, Swim 1000m, 27:42, water walk for 20 minutes

Wednesday: Feb. 3 n/a

Thursday: Feb 4. n/a

Friday: Feb. 5, Swim 1000m, 28:35, water walk and treading for 15 minutes. Pilates strength workout for 15 minutes.

Swim bag
My pretty pink bag from the triathlon

If you’ve heard of the blogger SarahFit, you know that she makes amazing fitness videos that are FREE for use. I’ve followed her blog for a while now but I happened to stumble upon one of her videos when looking for a pilates workout this week. It burns and really pushed me but I can totally feel it working. I’d recommend looking her up!

Exercise, Healthy eating, Training, Triathlon, Weight loss

Things these days + 6 month goals

Hello internet family! Long time, no update!

My husband and I are back in Michigan for him to attend a couple months of classes before we head back to Maryland for his last 2 PT clinical internships and then we’re back here for graduation! It’s amazing that his 3 years of hard work are almost over! I’m so proud of him. 🙂

St. Joseph sunset
One of the few reason I can be happy to be back in Michigan: St. Joseph and amazing sunset viewing.

Since we’re only here for a limited time, I’ve been hanging out in our apartment and catching up on some TV shows and movies (Grey’s Anatomy, The Bachelor… and Inside Out). Winter is a really difficult season for me and I tend to feel like I’m in some sort of hibernation mode. I want to sleep all day and just eat blah food. It takes a lot of mental energy to work out when I feel like this but I’ve managed to get out and do some swimming and a few other workouts at least 2-3 times per week.

With my last update, I announced that I was doing a health challenge and my main goal was to maintain/lose weight through the holiday season. I tried to be conscious of what my portions were but I didn’t restrict myself from any specific foods because, well, you know we only get them once a year! I kept to my goal and I managed to drop just a little under the weight I had been sitting at.

This year, my health goals will once again be working up to the Iron Girl Triathlon in August. I’ve already registered and started planning my goals for the race and for the next 6 months leading up to the race and they are as follows:

  1. Continue to lose weight. I made a lot of progress last summer and I want to keep building on that so I can be a healthier -healthy weight- me. Running will also become significantly easier with less weight to pull around.
  2. Focus on strength training. It was a component of my training last summer, but I was training to finish the race so I focused most of my time on cardio. I want stronger muscles because I noticed, during the race, how much of a difference it would make to be stronger.
  3. Pre-train so that when I start my more serious training in May, I’m starting at just as high, if not higher level of fitness that I was when I did the event last summer.
  4. Train with sister Hanni who I have conned into doing the race with me! (Love ya sis)
  5. Drop race time. If I can achieve the above goals, then I am extremely confident in my ability to significantly reduce my time. I don’t want to share a number yet in case I’m being realistic, but I am really working towards this goals (with help of the above goals.) My time last year was 2:45:49.

I’m really excited about a lot of new things that are happening this year because it’s going to be a big transition for us (hubby and me) to both be completely out of college as well as continuing my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and self. Happy 2016!

Makes a girl feel pretty to have a fresh haircut 🙂
Race, Triathlon, Weight loss

My First Sprint Triathlon – An Incredible IRON GIRL Experience

3 and a half months ago, I went in search of an event to help me lose weight and get in shape. I found the Iron Girl Columbia Triathlon and I can’t believe my first triathlon is already over! Getting ready for my first triathlon has been my focus for the last three and a half months and now it’s finished.

Athlete's Wristband for my first triathlon


Friday afternoon I went by Columbia Presbyterian Church for packet pick-up. I got my packet, timing chip, T-shirt, and TYR bag with the Iron Girl logo. I browsed some of the booths at the expo and the goggles at the TYR booth caught my eye. Everyone advises not to try anything new on race day but the goggles I had been using weren’t working well and these ones seemed amazing. So I bought them. P.S. They were amazing.

athlete's meeting for my first triathlon


It was mandatory to rack your bike during specific hours on Saturday. It was a quick and seamless process. I was in the 2nd row off to the right of transition and only a few bikes in so that was convenient. Before leaving, I took a few minutes to analyze surroundings and test walking up the fairly steep little hill coming out of the transition area.

Sunday – Iron Girl Columbia Triathlon Race Day!

Sunday’s 4:15 wake-up call came too quick. I had set out everything the night before. Clothes were ready to go, food was on the counter ready to be made, and all of my things were packed in their bag. My sister didn’t want to “wake up” to do my french braid so I sat by her bed while she did it with the lights off and her eyes closed. It was 65 degrees and still dark outside when we left the house just before 5. We arrived 10 minutes later but figured the park was full so we drove into the neighborhood for parking. I got my tires pumped up first, spent a few minutes getting transition ready, got body marked, used the bathroom and then I went back to transition to double-check all my stuff one last time.

At this point, the sun had started to come out and it was a really beautiful morning. Hubs and I started over towards the start line so I wouldn’t keep staring at my transition area. All morning they had been playing pumped up music, doing interviews and making announcements over top of the music; it was sort of like an “Iron Girl Radio Show”. I was really trying to take in the experience and calm my nerves before everything began.

transition area for my first triathlon
start line of my first triathlon

After the national anthem, I went and joined my wave at the start line. We were the second wave to take off and the first group was relatively small so I was in the water within a few minutes of the start time. Brady snap chatted my start.


I had just gone around the corner after entering the water when my nerves took over and I had to stop and try to calm down. A volunteer, who was in a kayak close by, came over to let me hold on and chatted with me while I got a hold of myself. I think it all hit me kind of fast and I guess I just needed a moment.

I don’t think I stopped for more than about 30 seconds before I kept going but it could have been longer. The sun wasn’t too far above the horizon and on the first straightaway, we were blindly headed directly into the sun. I was swimming at an even, but fairly slow pace so I got passed by almost all the red people (my wave), probably most of the yellows (the next wave) and a handful of silvers (the wave after that). Going around the first turn I bopped some girl in the head so we started a quick conversation about how it was our first time each and then wished each other well before continuing on our individual treks.

After exiting the water, I began the run-up towards transition and gave a wave to Brady on the way. While I was putting my shoes on, some girls came in behind me and one of them said to the other, “This is horrible! I am never doing this again!” I just sat there thinking, “Are you kidding me? This is amazing! I can’t wait to do it again!”

Of all the disciplines, I probably enjoyed the swim the most. I love being in the water and it was actually kind of relaxing once I was able to settle into my rhythm. The lake was nowhere near as gross as people expected it to be. The water is murky but I didn’t notice any goose grease or lake weeds trying to eat me.

Swim time: 37:28

T1: 4:54


I never got a chance to ride the course before the event but I had driven it 3 times. The hills on the 16-mile course that I thought would be the worst… weren’t. I was great at going downhill but horrible at going uphill. It was a pain to watch the people who I had just passed going down one hill, passing me as I went up the next. I had a conversation with this lady from Team Fight as we passed each other on a few of the hills. We decided, in our brief conversation, that if we combined the two of us, we’d be the perfect racer. The worst uphill was around mile 9 or so right after a long downhill.  As someone passed me she said, “ALL THE SWEAR WORDS!” I would have laughed if I didn’t also feel the same way.

Because of the time trial start, everyone was spaced out over the course and there were never too many people crowded into one area. My back was really killing me the last 2 miles, but I was able to push through and finish the ride in a decent time.

Bike time: 1:15:18

T2: 1:42


My legs felt a little jelly coming back into transition but they were mostly okay by the time I started running. I had to walk/run intermittently for the first 2 miles because my left calf was feeling really tight. Gatorade hill is no small hill so it was encouraging to have volunteers and spectators lining the trail cheering all the women on. It was great to hear them say, “I see you number 82, you can do it!”

I ran most of the last 1.4 miles except for the backside of Gatorade Hill because I could walk up that hill faster than I could run it. The last half mile I think I was whimpering a little to keep from crying because I couldn’t believe that I was about to finish. The last few months of working up to this and being worried that maybe I wouldn’t be ready. The people cheering us on as we came into the finish were truly amazing and I was almost overwhelmed by how fulfilling it felt to cross the finish line. I was immediately awarded my finishers medal and stripped of my timing chip before I could grab a drink and go celebrate with my husband and family.

I completed my first triathlon!

Run time: 46:26

Overall time: 2:45:49

I’m not excited about my time only because I know I can do so much better. However, I am so proud of myself for completing my first triathlon considering 4 months ago I was in terrible shape and my neurosurgeon was telling me I needed surgery on my back. I still have back pain and I still have numbness in my right leg… but I did it!

One of the greatest things about doing my first triathlon was the response from friends and family members who told me how inspired they felt by what I did and how much they would like to be a part of the experience next year.

I’ve told my husband that I can’t imagine any other event being as perfect as my first triathlon. The volunteers and other participants were so encouraging and the location is in my hometown so it’s comfortable and familiar. I wasn’t prepared for how lonely I would feel the next day with no big event to look forward to when I’ve been preparing all summer. But for now, I’m planning to keep getting healthier, keep getting stronger, and come back even better next year. Until 2016 Iron Girl.

my first triathlon iron girl columbia triathlon

To recap my triathlon journey, visit my Triathlon page.

Exercise, Running, Training, Triathlon, Weight loss

Envisioning the Finish

Today I had a horrible run. It’s been raining all day and the roads were steamy, the air was muggy, and my body felt like it was in a sweaty hell.

For the past few months, I’ve been using Active’s Couch to 5k program and today was day one of the final week. The last week! Today’s run was a straight 30 minute run with a 5 minute warm-up and cool down. I wanted to give up before I even started running. It was so hot, I’d been feeling mildly sick all day, and I was still a little tired from my workout the day before. Each step was miserable.

I reached the top of the first long hill and spent the next 5 minutes trying to work myself out of the cramp in my side. Meanwhile, my face was dripping in sweat and I had to keep wiping it off on my T-shirt turned sweat-rag.

I forgot to bring my headphones so I spent the run thinking about the next couple of weeks and how much work I feel like I still have to do to get ready for this triathlon. I started to envision the finish line and how amazing it’s going to feel to reach that goal. I began thinking about how two months ago when I started this program, I could barely run a minute and a half without feeling like I would never be able to take another breath. I also realized that I’ve managed to lose 15 pounds from working out this summer.

So while it did feel as though I was running through a swamp, all of my positive and happy thoughts kept pushing me forward toward my goal.

I can’t wait to finish this race!]

envisioning the finishing
Exercise, Triathlon, Weight loss

Pushing Limits


Sleep has not been my friend the past week. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because we’re moving out of our first nest a month from today and I haven’t started packing. Maybe it’s because dad’s getting married the day after we move back to Maryland. Maybe it’s because life is going to be changing a lot over the next couple months and I don’t know if I can handle it… but whatever it is, it’s causing me to have anxiety and sleep has been quite elusive recently. s causing

Today I slept in quite a bit and didn’t eat much this afternoon… and when it came time to go to spinning class I felt weak and tired out even though I hadn’t done much at all. I had decided I wasn’t going to go. I started feeling guilty because I had missed last Wednesday’s class due to back pain and after a few minutes giving myself excuses, I got off of my butt and ready to go within 5 minutes so I wouldn’t be too late.

What a day to be late. I almost got stuck with one of the crappy bikes. Over the past month, there haven’t been more than 3 participants in one class and there were 5 new girls today.

spinning intervals
My Camelbak Eddy (affiliate link). I love this water bottle. Straws make drinking more enjoyable.

I felt like I was dying. More than I have on any other day because today we were doing intervals. We pushed hard while we were on the bike and then we did multiple one-minute intervals of quad-killers, including squats, burpees, and high knees. At one point, I looked at the clock thinking the class must be almost over and it was only halfway done. This is why I go to classes… I don’t push myself hard enough when I’m by myself and working out with others who are going through the same thing as you make it a little easier.

spinning intervals-2
Dripping in sweat and trying to catch my breath.

I texted hubby while I was in the sauna following class and I said, “If it sounds like someone fell down the steps in a few minutes… they did. It was me.”

It’s been almost 4 hours since class ended and my legs still feel like jelly.

spinning intervals-3
How many exercise balls are in this photo?

I haven’t lost much weight yet, maybe 5-7 pounds, but I feel myself getting stronger and my endurance is growing. So here’s to pushing limits, finding new strength, and overcoming obstacles on the way to a better me.

Exercise, Hiking, Triathlon, Weight loss

Stormy Hiking Adventures

Our canoe trip was canceled… 🙁 So on Saturday, hubs and I decided to be healthy humans after a day of sitting inside and doing nothing. I convinced him to go with me to Warren Dunes State Park in Southwestern Michigan for a little dune hiking. The giant hill at the dunes is great if you want a really good lung workout. It’s a killer.

Well, I missed out on that joy this time because hubby suggested we actually do the hiking trails. What?! There are hiking trails? I’ve been to this park so many times over the past 5 years and I just assumed the lakefront and all the dunes towering over the parking lots was the majority of the park. But there are actually a few miles of trails.

The trails were actually quite nice. Not quite as nice as the trails going through Ludington State Park that we traversed a few weeks ago, but still enjoyable. The sun was out. The humidity was high. But all in all, we were having a pretty nice afternoon walk. At about the halfway point… A minimum of a mile hike away from the car, we started to hear some rumbling thunder. I figured a little rain wouldn’t be too bad because I was already drenched in sweat… but I also didn’t want to become a lightning rod out in the sand once we got out of the woods and back onto the dunes.

I wish I had a picture of intensely dark clouds looming over the dunes/woods behind us as we came out but at that point, it was starting to rain we were beginning to hustle. I did manage to grab a photo of the horizon so you can get an idea of what was coming.

stormy adventures

By the time we got to the beach, this was headed towards us.

stormy adventures-3
Deep haze in the distance = heavy rain

While to our right, it almost seemed like we were just going to be enjoying a nice sunset.

stormy adventures-2

Within a few minutes, we were being pelted by large heavy raindrops that might as well have been bullets being hurled against us in hurricane-like winds. You can kind of see the rain in the next couple of photos.

stormy adventures-5
stormy adventures-6

For some reason, I had decided to wear makeup and at this point, my mascara was falling off my eyelashes and running into my eyes. I had to take my glasses off because it was raining so hard and glasses wipers don’t exist (?).

stormy adventures-8
stormy adventures-9

At this point, we had been hiking for at least an hour and a half, I was drenched and I figured why bother rushing to get back anymore? The worst of the storm and ugly clouds were to the east of us and we’d be out of the rain soon. Once it did stop raining, I had to take this photo because it was hilarious. You can see just how hard we were walking into the rain. At least the phones stayed dry.

What an adventure.

stormy adventures-10