
Baby’s First Snow

We had a snowstorm come through the area over the weekend and Henry got to see snow really see the snow for the first time! I think there was snow when we went to Massachusetts in November but that doesn’t count since it was already there and we didn’t “interact” with it.

I pulled Henry around in our new all-terrain wagon for a little while in front of the house and he actually fell asleep! I stopped to try and clean off the cars but he woke up so we took a few family photos and spend a couple minutes in the snow before going inside to warm up his cute little nose.

He didn’t seem to care too much about everything that was going on with the snow but I’m guessing that’s mostly because he was so puffy that he couldn’t really move. Haha he was so cute though.

You’ll notice that he’s blowing little bubbles in the photo above which is something he’s been loving doing lately. He loves to make silly noises while blowing bubbles and he’s just started using his tongue to make noises as well.

Henry’s first snow angel!

On Monday afternoon we went out for a walk. A lot of sidewalks had been shoveled but I figured we’d have an easier time if I carried him so I threw in the Lillebaby and headed out. He’s gotten so heavy that it felt like I was pregnant again! Funny enough I still didn’t weigh as much while carrying him as I did while I was pregnant. He enjoyed looking around for the first 15 minutes and fell asleep for the last 25.

The weather was cool but it was a beautiful afternoon. It was giving me significant throwbacks to when we lived in Michigan. I’ve spent 6 winters of my life living in Michigan and while I’m still not a winter person, it taught me to appreciate the beauty that winter can have. I do wish it could be shorter! I saw a lot of kids playing out in their yards and it brought back memories of playing outside with my siblings and made me excited for the future when Henry will get a chance to do this with us and then his siblings!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Natasha February 17, 2019 at 1:27 am

    He is so precious 💞

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