
28 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

Finally into the 3rd and final trimester of this pregnancy!!! I’m thankful that the weeks don’t feel like they’re dragging but I don’t think that feeling is going to last much longer… Our house is coming along very slowly but I’m hoping it’s about to pick up. My brother is out of school next week and I might kidnap him to help me get stuff done. We have some relatives coming down in a few weeks to really help us get things accomplished around here so I’m hoping we’re able to get a lot done before the baby comes. I really want to feel fully moved in so I don’t have to worry about it once he’s arrived.

In my last update I shared the saga of the dying insects that made me cry which is funny because we had to kill a wasp/nest last weekend on our front porch which made me really sad for whatever reason. This time I have another emotional drama to share.

Last Friday, Brady and I went to Panera for lunch. We both asked for Summer Corn Chowder (my favorite Panera item, maybe tied with Autumn Squash Soup), filled up our water cups, and found a seat. The table I chose had a cup of water left on it and some used napkins so Brady threw them away while I had a seat. This guy comes along and looks at me weird and goes, “I was sitting there.” I just looked at him for a moment and then mentioned well there was trash so it didn’t look like it had been claimed (is a water cup really claiming a table??) He continues to give me this stupid look so I was like whatever! I grabbed my umbrella, purse and water and started getting up. At this point he’s like you can sit there but he’d already made me feel like I dumb or something so I just left and went and sat somewhere else. He didn’t even end up sitting there himself…

Well I’m waiting for Brady to come back with our soups feeling frustrated and emotional about the table situation. He brings them over and I’m looking at them like… these aren’t corn chowder. “Are you sure?” One whiff later. “Yup, these are clam chowder.” I almost threw up. I can’t handle the smell of seafood even when I’m not pregnant. He went to switch them out but it was already enough to push me over the edge. Poor Brady comes back with the right soups to see me sitting there bawling my eyes out. It’s interesting that both of these stories have me crying after getting really nauseous. Oh well, that’s pregnancy for ya.

Peter Rabbit Baby Shower - 28 weeks pregnant

In other exciting news, we had our baby shower on Sunday! My sister did an awesome job of planning a shower for us before she leaves for the summer next week. It was fun getting dressed up since it’s a rare thing these days. You can read my shower recap here which includes a special memory of my mom.

28 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

Size of Baby

Baby is now 14.8 inches, about the size of a large eggplant, and weighs around 2.2 pounds! 

Weight Gain

I haven’t really gained much weight at all since my last update but maybe some since I’m fluctuating between 9-11 pounds depending on how eating went the day before. I’ve gone back to feeling nauseous daily so I am eating less than I was while I was feeling good. My weight at the doctor’s has been a bit higher than I’m weighing myself at home but when I weigh myself at home, I’m always using the same scale and wearing the same thing so I feel like that’s a bit more reliable in tracking my actual gain. 

I have my glucose screening test on Friday during my 28 week appointment so I’m really hoping that goes well. I feel like it’s enough that I’m taking shots daily for my blood disorder and I’d like to not have the stress of major diet restrictions.

New Developments/Symptoms

The best thing that’s happening these days is getting to feel him move. Sometimes it’s odd or uncomfortable, but it’s always welcome. I love knowing that’s he’s growing and moving around in there. He’s started occasionally sticking a limb into my belly and just holding it there which makes me laugh because I have no idea what’s going on in there.

My belly button is progressively getting shallower. Brady thinks I’ll have an outie really soon but I’m thinking it won’t happen for a good few weeks yet if it even happens at all. Stretch marks are really starting to pop out now as he’s really pushing out and I’m not worrying about it much but I am regularly using my homemade sugar scrub with lots of good oils in it. The exfoliation feels nice and the oils are super hydrating and I really do feel like it makes a visible difference. Another funny thing is that my belly is growing out to the right side so I’m wondering how crooked it’s going to be once he’s full grown!

The metal mouth/disgusting taste has come back whenever I eat anything with sugar in it. It makes the nausea worse and definitely makes me think twice before eating anything sweet.

Sleeping is getting more and more difficult. I feel like a switch was flipped this week because I’m having a much harder time getting comfortable to fall asleep and shifting around in bed feels almost impossible already. I also have a really hard time falling back asleep after coming back from a mid-night bathroom break.

Leg cramps are becoming worse and more frequent at night. If it doesn’t go away quickly, Brady gets up to help stretch it out of my leg. Not a fun way to wake up for either of us. A couple of weird things though… I get cramping almost only in my right leg which is the side the has the numbed nerve all the way to my feet and I cramps not only in my calf but to the outside of the back of my knee. Is that normal?

Swelling is becoming more frequent especially on warmer days or days that I’ve been on my feet a lot. It’s an odd sensation to walk around with feet that feel like they should be on an elephant – not a human body.

I’m having “parenting nightmares” and I’m really hoping that none of them happen in real life… vivid dreams aren’t fun at all.

Food Aversions/Cravings

I’ve become a lot more tired lately and mixed with feeling incredibly nauseous again, it’s been hard to find things I’m willing to eat. It’s a given that whatever I eat will upset my stomach but there are things that are worse than others. Last night I was really wanting potato wedges or fries and we decided IHOP was close and would probably cover most of the bases but by the time we got there (less than 10 minutes later) I didn’t feel like I could really do it so I just had waffle fries from Chick-fil-A. I’m living the healthy life.


Beyond working around the house and short neighborhood walks, exercise has been on the back burner due to the return of my nausea.

Maternity/Baby Purchases

Babies “R” Us has finally gone to 40-60% off so I was able to pick up quite a few goodies yesterday like a second car seat base, Aden+Anais Swaddle Blankets and Burpy bips, and a few other small items. 

I purchased 5 H&M dresses at the beginning of the month to help me get my growing belly through the summer! I’m loving wearing them and I’m glad I was finally able to find affordable cute sundresses. Thank you H&M! Check them #1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 are the ones I purchased and I wont be keeping the maxi dress because the top area didn’t fit quite right. I love the flutter sleeve dress and the navy/purple floral dress because they are so cute! The grey jersey dress is flattering and extremely comfortable (also comes in more colors) and the cherry ruffle dress has a gorgeous flounce skirt. The other 3 I didn’t purchase are newer but I’m tempted to get those as well! The lace dress is supposed to be a nursing dress so I’m not sure if it would work as maternity or not.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 


Overall Feelings

I feel like there isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t look at each other and go, oh my goodness, we’re having a baby! It’s still a surreal experience but it’s quickly becoming more and more real. Honestly, there’s a part of me that’s scared I won’t love it as much as I am expecting to but I’m like 99.9% sure that that fear is unfounded. 

The other crazy thing is knowing how dramatically our life is changing – knowing that for the next 2o+ years, it’s never going to be just the two of us again. It’s exciting to know we’re getting closer but there is also a part of me that’s sad it’ll never be the two of us again. 

I’m excited to be counting down the days – only 82 to go!


Thanks for reading today!


Previous Updates:

15 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

Baby #1 Gender Reveal!

17 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

18 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

20 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

22 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

24 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

26 Weeks – Pregnancy Update


Linking with Amanda from Running with Spoons for this post.

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