
Thanksgiving Snapshots

Thanksgiving was almost a week ago and it feels like the time has passed by in a heartbeat! I love the holidays because of the special family time and I wanted to make soak in all the moments. With that being said, I took very few photos myself and anything I do have is basically a quick snapshot of the moment. These moments are still special and should be documented to look back on so here’s a glimpse of my Thanksgiving weekend.

I have a fairly large extended family and we had over 30 people gathered for our family’s Thanksgiving! I feel so blessed to have an amazing Grandma (who happens to be a fantastic cook) as the matriarch of the family to orchestrate everything. There were no turkeys for this vegetarian family but we served 15 of the best homemade pies. Would you believe I only ended up eating 3 slices myself? I had to have the classic pumpkin pie, my grandmas to-die-for vegan lemon cheesecake pie, and a chocolate-mint pudding pie. You’ll have to believe me when I say they were the best pies ever.

Another joy of this holiday was getting to meet this little fella for the first time. I spent at least a couple hours snuggling with the newest family member and it was baby heaven. 

We didn’t get home from my grandma’s until late Thursday night so we quickly packed our bags for our weekend away and went to bed. First thing Friday morning we were out the door to the airport for Thanksgiving part 2 in Massachusetts. 


The Chesapeake Bay from the air


Brownie points to the first person to guess where this is.

Our trip was only a quick 36 hours up in Massachusetts to have Thanksgiving with my husband’s extended family. Brady and I shared an Airbnb with the siblings in-law on a lake just over the border into New Hampshire so that we wouldn’t be too far away from the festivities. We never had the time to explore around the lake, but I got to soak in the quiet morning air for two mornings which was still peaceful.

Saturday evening was the big Thanksgiving dinner for Brady’s family and I only have one blurry, awkward shot to share of the experience. In this picture, Brady is doing his annual recitation of the poem he learned back in elementary school: I Ate Too Much by Jack Prelutsky.

I ate too much turkey, 
I ate too much corn, 
I ate too much pudding and pie, 
I’m stuffed up with muffins
And much too much stuffin’,
I’m probably going to die.

I piled up my plate
And I ate and I ate, 
But I wish I had known when to stop, 
For I’m so crammed with yams, 
Sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop.

I’m full of tomatoes
And French fried potatoes, 
My stomach is swollen and sore, 
But there’s still some dessert, 
So I guess it won’t hurt
If I eat just a little bit more. 

It was a late night with his family before we had to get up with the sun on Sunday morning to make the drive back to Maryland with all the rest of New England on the roads. We played husbands-versus-wives Rook in the backseat before I watched The Holiday – which I’d downloaded from Amazon Prime before the drive. The Holiday is #11 on my Favorite Christmas Movies List if you want to check out my list.

Sunrise in New Hampshire this morning. ❤ <— Instagram: @mrsmeaganknott


That’s all I have to share from my Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you all had a beautiful weekend with your friends and loved ones. Next week we’re headed off on our Disney Christmas getaway so if you want to tag along for our adventure, I’m going to be sharing a bunch on Instagram/Stories. I’m so excited!


Where do you celebrate Thanksgiving and how many people do you celebrate Thanksgiving with?

Any special family traditions around Thanksgiving? 



Linking with Amanda from Running with Spoons for this post.

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