This week has been busy and exhausting but I wanted to share a few photos from last Saturday where we hiked a couple of the trails at the McKeldin Area of Patapsco State Park. We started on the Switchback trail from the main parking lot and once we reached the river, we followed it until we came back to the road running through the parking lots.
Although the trees were slightly past peak color, it was still incredibly beautiful. It wasn’t crowded at any point and the entire hike along the river felt peaceful.
There is a small fee to enter the McKeldin Area that varies based on the day of the week and the time of year. There are bathrooms, playgrounds, and picnic pavilions available for use and the park is also a popular destination for disc golf.
This post is part of the “Maryland’s Top Scenic Hikes” series on this blog. See the other hikes here.

Please keep us in your thoughts today as we try to move everything out of our apartment and try to clean it out to turn over the key. It’s amazing how quickly a year flies by (read about our move into our apartment). What have you been up to this week and what are you planning for the weekend?
1 Comment
Yesss to the sweater! 😘