So many amazing things are happening today! That’s a comfort because on this day of awesome news, my childhood home of 14 years officially becomes someone else’s new family home. Yesterday I went and said goodbye for the last time… but I’m not going to spend much time dwelling on that right now.
Onto the good things in life and what I’ve been loving lately!
Fall Colors!
My sister was home for fall break 2 weeks ago and we had a fun day at the farm! 🙂
From my walk around Lake Elkhorn on Wednesday with Lisa.
Michael Buble <3
Buble’s new album just released today and my favorite worlds collided in the song “Someday” which features Meghan Trainor! Ahh. Such a happy day. I’ve been a Michael Buble lover since my mom bought “It’s Time” and it became our go to album to listen to on the way home from school. The songs are fun and I’ve already added a couple to my workout playlist.
I’ve been anticipating Buble’s album for quite a few weeks now but Pentatonix was a happy surprise that I found out about this morning! The opening song “O Come, All Ye Faithful” is just amazing, you have to listen. I’m probably going to have that on repeat for a while. I LOVE Christmas!!! 9 weeks to go!
Civilization 6
Civ 5 is the only game in the series that I’ve played and I’m pretty loyal. I’m not going to tell you how many hours I’ve played since Brady first introduced me in 2012. I don’t like the graphics for the new game but there are a lot of new tweaks that make me excited to try it. This isn’t exactly a favorite but it’s something I’m looking forward to trying out and it just came out today so…
OPI “Taupe-less Beach”
This nail color is gorgeous. I’ve been looking for a fall grey color for over a month and I’ve found my happy color. It has a purple-y undertone and in yellowish light it kind of has a brownish tone to it but it’s the perfect fall color.
Ricola Cough Drops
My dearest hubby got sick at work a little over a week ago and of course I caught it too. It’s been a miserable week for me as a go through the stages of a bad cold. Head pressure, using all the tissues in the house, sore throat, and coughing. It’s been a rough week for sleep. I needed a break from the menthol cough drops so these were perfect. Maybe the sugar isn’t worth it, but they taste good and still help so it’s a win.
That’s all for now but let me know what you’ve been loving or if you have a fave song on either of the two new albums out today!
<3 I need to listen to Michael's new album. Love that man.
He’s the best! Hanna and I have been saying we really need to go see him on tour!
Eek, I am going to see Pentatonix live tomorrow night. I so excited for it!
That’s so exciting! I’m pretty jealous. Have fun!