I had a very small list of goals that I made mentally around the beginning of the year that would lead up to the end of March. I knew at this point, we would have been moved back to Maryland and the weather would be getting warm enough for me to be spending more time outside (which equals a happier me). I’ve slacked some over the last few weeks when it comes to doing any real dedicated exercise but I’ve managed a walks on most days and one swim.
I really wanted to get my 1000m (probably yards but well… it’s only a difference of 85…) swim time under 25 minutes by the time we moved back, which came a lot easier than I expected it to. I think my fastest 1000m so far has been 23 and as I get back into training, I’m expecting that to improve. Most of my swims have been in the 1200-1300m distance. I try to swim for at least 30 minutes whenever I go.
Over the next month, I want to keep working on that time by incorporating a couple of drills and doing more intervals which really push me! I’m aiming for 2 swim sessions a week. Also I want to do some outside work on strengthening my shoulders and arm muscles. I’ll try and share the different exercises I like to do for those in a future post.
On Wednesday, I did my first “run” in a few months. I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain in my low back/pelvic area due to my herniation but I think I’m at a place that I can start pushing myself. I did a few intervals and I’m really excited about the pace I was keeping throughout the running intervals. I think I held myself back and trained at a slow pace last year because I was heavier when I first started and I think I mentally blocked myself out of picking up the pace as I lost weight.
Over the next few weeks, if my body allows, I’m going to try 3 runs a week in the walk/run intervals and each week increasing the running to walking ratio while focusing on keeping my pace up during the running portions.
Overall Health:
I want to keep up with meal planning. This week was kind of hard because I felt like I was spending a lot of time cooking on a couple of nights but it was really nice to take in a delicious healthy lunch for work and not worry about spending 25ish extra dollars on four lunches.
I need to be conscious about drinking more.
Keeping a food diary. This is NOT the same as counting calories. I will write more about how and why I do this another time but for now, I’ll just say that it’s a really great way for me to keep track of what I’m eating and how it makes me feel. I started doing this a few months ago, but I lost the journal for a little while and didn’t pick up doing it again.
This was the best. It had the creamy consistency of a Fettuccine Alfredo dish and the flavor was on point. If you haven’t yet, you should try avocado pasta sauce. Quick and easy!
Enjoy your beautiful spring weekend! I hope you’re enjoying the weather, wherever you are 🙂
To recap my triathlon journey, visit my Triathlon page.
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