Exercise, Healthy eating, Training, Triathlon, Weight loss

Self-Improvement Begins Here

It’s been just about 3 months since I signed up to repeat my favorite (only) race from last year and now we’re sitting on 5 months until Iron Girl race day! I get really excited when thinking about doing this race again especially now that I have an understanding of what I’m doing and how training for a triathlon feels like.

Sometimes I feel wimpy when I say “training for” because it is a sprint distance and for someone who is doing an Ironman, this race is basically like any training day for them. But I remind myself to stop feeling pitiful because if I didn’t bother to put in the time or the effort to train for my little race, then I could still be sitting on the couch like I was last year dreaming that I’d one day lose weight.

Losing weight is hard. —If anyone has ever had an easy time with it, tell me your secrets please!— Last year, I knew I had to have a tangible goal that I was excited to work towards and that’s why I went in search of an event that would remind me daily of what I was training for. While there were definitely difficult days, I was never sad or upset to do my daily workout and I actually was usually excited for it because I knew that with each workout, I was building myself up to succeed once race day arrived. Just imagining crossing the finish line with the knowledge of what I had accomplished is what pushed me through the tough days.

My goal in doing this race was to build fitness, build confidence, and lose weight and I feel like I really succeeded last year. This year’s goal is build on that foundation and keep going, because there’s so much more that I want to accomplish.

Along with my fitness goals, I am trying to work on my diet and improving the quality of the foods I eat. I’m trying to drink more and eat more of a veggie based diet. I’m vegetarian but a lot of dairy, grains, and processed foods tend to dominate what I eat so I’m trying to scale back and make it more about the healthy stuff.

Over the next several months, I’m going to be sharing what I’m doing to improve my diet as well as how I’m preparing for this year’s race. I need support to make it on this continuing journey and I also want to be a support for those who need some encouragement to meet their own goals.

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If you’re interested in signing up for the Iron Girl Columbia Triathlon on August 7, 2016, –> Click HERE. (The price rises $20 on April 1st). I’m not advertising for any personal gain but I’m passionate about it because I really believe that this race is an empowering event for women.

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  • Reply Ashlee March 6, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    This is really intriguing. I know there’s probably no way I could be ready for all that in five months, though. (Besides, I can’t really afford the price at the moment.) What could I start doing now to start working towards an event like this? Would a 5K or 10K or something like that?

    Sorry if this is too many questions.

    • Reply meaganleanne March 6, 2016 at 11:12 pm

      Doing a triathlon is a pretty decent financial investment so that is something that you do have to be aware of. A really great way for you to start would be to assess what you’re able to do right now fitness wise and any health concerns that may cause problems (it’s usually recommended to speak to a doctor concerning these issues.) I think a 5k is a great place to start because you can start by walking and as your fitness improves you can start to implement further exercises. Because of my back, I’m currently doing a lot of walking and swimming so I can improve my endurance. In the next few weeks, I’ll try and share some of my favorite exercises and stretches that could also be really helpful for you. Feel free to message any time if you want to talk more in depth or you have any more questions!

      • Reply Ashlee March 12, 2016 at 10:34 pm

        Now that my car’s repaired, doctors’ visits are next on my list! I haven’t been in a while, so that’s a good next step. And thanks for the offer to talk more in depth (and the chat today)!

  • Reply elbowglitter March 9, 2016 at 4:41 pm

    I’m volunteering this year and not racing (I had to cut waaaaay back on my racing this year), so I will see you there. But I don’t want you to feel like you are any less because you’re “only” doing a sprint. Sprints are hard work! I’ve only done Sprints and Olys and I think the sprints are harder because you’re pushing so fast the whole time! Also, the Columbia course is NO JOKE. Are you going to be doing any of the practice course rides on Sundays?

    • Reply meaganleanne March 9, 2016 at 5:02 pm

      I’ll be looking for you on race day! I didn’t do one last year because I was pretty self conscious about putting myself out there and I did it all on my own. I also didn’t have my own bike (still don’t) I was loaned a really great bike for 2 weeks from a friend. I would like to get better on the course though! It was the hills that killed and helped me on the ride. I was verrry slow going up but I kept a great pace going down.

      • Reply elbowglitter March 9, 2016 at 5:12 pm

        Oh my gosh, come on out. The rides are super friendly 🙂

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