
Apple Picking at Larriland Farm

It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of October! Time is flying by and the days are quickly getting shorter. When I leave work next week, I’ll be driving home after sunset after having spent all daylight hours inside… I suppose I’ll have to spend my lunch breaks outside.

The past 2 weeks I’ve been in between assignments at work so I’ve been at home attempting to be productive…

Last Friday, Brady and I headed out to Larriland Farm to pick some apples and other wonderful fall pickings.

Apple picking at Larriland Farm

I honestly have no idea what face this is supposed to be… but look at those beautiful apples matching my shirt!

Spinach Picking at Larriland

I wanted to pick more spinach… but somebody wasn’t being very helpful.

Broccoli Picking at Larriland
Broccoli Picking at Larriland

He was more helpful with the broccoli…

Mini pumpkins for decorating

The beautiful pumpkin colors and the storm that ended up chasing us all the way home.

Centennial Park, Ellicott City, Maryland

Saturday morning I woke up with a decent amount of pain in my back that has continued to plague me all week but that didn’t keep us from taking a slow afternoon walk around Centennial Lake. This was the first time I had been back since the triathlon so it was kind of fun reliving some of the memories.

Trader Joe's Maple Leaf Cookies

Trader Joe’s is amazing and you really need to try these cookies–> they pair really well with apple cider.

Cowboys Patriots game 10-11-15

Sunday afternoon we took a long walk around the neighborhood and critiqued houses and what we’d like to have in a future home. Then we came home and I was subjected to a few hours of the Cowboys/Patriots game…

Black Cat Shadow

So I snuggled with Shadow to pass the time.

Substitute Teacher

Tuesday morning I got called in to be a sub for the first time! I taught middle school English and reading classes and felt a lot older than I really am for a few hours. The kids were pretty chatty, but it was a fun experience and I’m looking forward to the next time!

Library books

I spent a couple hours at the library on Wednesday evening. I haven’t been there in forever and I ended up checking out a whole basket full of stuff. The guy who checked out my books for me gave me funny looks. Brady said I can go on a shopping spree if I can finish all the books before they’re due. He underestimates my love for reading.

I came across this little piece of wisdom while reading my second book….

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet

Overall it’s been an enjoyable week and I’m really looking forward to spending this weekend with both of my siblings who are coming to stay with us! 🙂

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  • Reply Megan Sullivan (@elbowglitter) November 4, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    I think I’m the only person who hasn’t read those books. I need to put them on my “to read” list.

    • Reply meaganleanne November 4, 2015 at 3:52 pm

      The Shawn Johnson book was very interesting! The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennett was fun to read because it was a lot of back story to the youtube series. I’d recommend both. I’m currently ready Wild– the movie was also great if you haven’t seen it.

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