Hiking, Race

12 Things To Do This Fall

Fall is here! I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I feel like like the transition from summer to fall is the most significant season change.

It’s one of those things that you just step outside and it’s like the air feels and even smells completely different! Once it’s happened, it’s never truly summer again.

I am a little disappointed because I feel as though we’ve officially set the winter timer into motion… but I am looking forward to a lot of things this fall! It’s the season where we apparently gain the most weight… as I have in most years past… but it’s no surprise with all the rich and delicious foods that we only really eat around this time of year!

Renaissance Festival, Face Painting, Fall Autumn, Blue Eyes, Moon, Curly Hair, Costume, Face Paint
Renaissance festival when I was 16

Here are some of the items that I’ve put on my fall bucket list.

1 . Renaissance Festival– Brady and I have gone together twice before early on in high school (long before we started dating). It’s a really unique experience – costumes and showy bosoms everywhere.

2. Food, Food, Food! -A few of the things I’m looking forward to:

  • Soups are one of my favorite types of meals to make, especially the creamy ones with the help of one of my favorite kitchen tools (affiliate link). I have this Soup Bible (affiliate link) book that I really need to try more recipes from. One of my favorite Pinterest recipes is a delicious Taco Soup that I make vegetarian by using this recipe.
  • Apple and Pumpkin Pies- It wouldn’t be fall without them
  • Applesauce- mom used to make me apple sauce each fall with the fresh apples we would pick. She even shipped some up to me during my freshman year in college because I love it so much.
  • Homemade Apple Cider Donuts– I’ve heard these are amazing and I’d really love to try making them myself!
  • Crockpot apple cider
pumpkin display, Trader Joe's, Giant, Grocery Store, Pumpkin pie, bread, cereal, patch, spice latte, Pumpkin sauce, plates coffee, puree, syrup, butter
Pumpkin themed everything at every store including Trader Joe’s and Giant

3. Camping, hiking, and enjoying the beautiful fall colors.

5. Make these cinnamon scented pinecones!

6. Pumpkin decorating (Carving, Painting, and Glitter)

7. Game Night– A couple of favorites include Ticket to Ride, Scotland Yard, and Dutch Blitz (affiliate links).

8. Corn Maze– This is something that I love doing even though I only did it for the first time a couple of years ago.

9. Build a fire in the fireplace and have a warm and snuggly night in.

10. Apple picking at Larriland farm.

apple picking, Larriland Farm, Howard County Maryland, farm, ladder, green apple, country, barn
Caleb picking apples at Larriland

11. Fall 5k. I’m starting to bounce back from my injury and I’d really like to be able to do at least one more event this year.

12. Clear Meadows Farm Sunflowers– I’ve heard a lot about this place and over the past few years it’s become a really popular place to go and take photos. I’d like to check it out before the harvest!

(13.) See a Movie. There haven’t been a whole lot of good movies that have come out this year… Hanna, Brady and I have seen the last 3 movies together so I’m looking forward to finishing out the Hunger Games series the week that Hanna is home for Thanksgiving.

Did I leave out one of your favorite fall traditions? 

What are you looking forward to doing this fall as the weather starts to cool down?

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  • Reply Hanna September 18, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    It’s not fair you’re doing all these fun things without me 🙁

    • Reply meaganleanne September 18, 2015 at 6:07 pm

      We have Fall break and Thanksgiving?

  • Reply Cynthia @ You Signed Up For WHAT?! September 30, 2015 at 11:12 pm

    Oooh all the apple things! I love fall for apple reasons too!

    • Reply meaganleanne September 30, 2015 at 11:25 pm

      Yes! It’s the only time of year you can get apples that taste oh so perfect!

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