
A Weekend of Wedding Festivities

On Sunday, one of my oldest friends got married! Lisa and I met back when we were 9 when I had first moved to the US. It was another 2 years before we became close friends but we’ve been through so much together in the last 17 years! We’ve spent hours talking about boys, movies, adventures, becoming adults, going to college, getting married, and having families! It’s incredible the number of memories we have together and this is one of those really special ones. 

For her bachelorette party, we had a Thai food dinner before going to a painting party!

On Saturday night we rehearsed.

Sunday morning we were up very bright and early – this was right before the ceremony began at 10 am.

I cried when she walked down the aisle.

The happy couple – Lisa and Mark – before the reception.

Meagan, Lisa, and Steven – the 3 amigos – a friendship of many years with many yet to come. 

My Family.

Me and my dad.

Me and my loves.

2 months or less til baby is here!

It’s taken the last few days to recover because being a bridesmaid at 7 months pregnant is exhausting! By the end of the weekend, my feet and ankles were more swollen than they’ve ever been in my life. It was incredibly painful and I had a hard time walking out to the car after the reception. I’m grateful that it was a relatively short day in comparison to other weddings I’ve been in.

A few people this weekend even told me that I was the prettiest pregnant lady ever. Although I know it was a gross exaggeration, It still made me feel pretty good.

The whole thing was a whirlwind and it’s hard to believe that Lisa is married now! I wrote her new married name for the first time today and that is going to take me a long time to get used to. I am so excited for her and the start of her new life!

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  • Reply Natasha Poholka June 13, 2018 at 11:15 am

    You are beautiful! ❤

    • Reply meaganleanne June 13, 2018 at 12:05 pm

      Aw thank you love ❤

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