Back Pain, Pregnancy

30 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

We’re 3/4 of the way done with this pregnancy now at 30 weeks and this little jumping bean isn’t far off from making his debut! The most exciting news to share is that I passed my glucose screening and I don’t have gestational diabetes!!! I had fully expected to be told that I’d have to go back for the 3-hour test so it was a huge relief to get the all-clear. I think it would have felt like too much to be put on a strict diet for the rest of the pregnancy on top of dealing with my daily (soon to be twice daily) shots and nausea. My test wasn’t until 2:15 in the afternoon so I ate a breakfast of 6 scrambled eggs around 9:30-10 am. I don’t know if it made a difference but I didn’t want to be on the border of having to go back so I avoided carbs that day until after my test. We stopped at Wawa on the way home and I got a side macaroni salad, a sub, and a donut.

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We’re trying to power through projects on our new house before the baby gets here so our upstairs is still a construction zone. We just had new windows installed and we’re getting ready to paint after all the wallpaper stripping before the new carpet comes. You can barely tell that this is a really old faded green carpet. Can you spot the cat?

In the last couple of weeks, we’ve dug out a new vegetable garden for the summer. I’m really bummed because something has already eaten my yellow squash, one of my 2 cucumbers, and dug up a few of my green beans. 

One of the most exciting moments of the last couple of weeks was getting together with my family to celebrate my grandmother’s 92nd birthday! It rained most of the weekend but we got a few hours of clear skies to have a family cookout with slip and slide kickball. The best part for me was getting to see my cousin’s baby boy for the first time since Thanksgiving. We’re so excited for the babies to get to meet each other in a few more months.

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30 Weeks – Pregnancy Update

Size of Baby

At 30 weeks, the baby is now 15.7 inches, about the size of a large cabbage, and weighs around 2.9 pounds! 

Weight Gain

I had my latest prenatal appointment mid-28 weeks and the doctor was saying she was happy with my weight gain over the previous 4 weeks so yay to that. I’m not stressing about my weight as long as I’m not seeing any sudden jumps or too much too quickly. So far I’ve gained approximately 13 pounds.

New Developments/Symptoms

I think that the funniest recent development is snoring. I’ve never really been a snorer unless I had a cold but all the extra fluid build-up that comes with pregnancy means that I apparently start snoring the moment I fall asleep. Brady says it’s cute. In the couple weeks Hanna’s stayed over here I don’t think she’d call my snoring “cute”.

I don’t know how quickly it started after I got pregnant, but my blood pressure has been measuring much lower than my normal every time I’ve been in to see the doctor. It was pretty significant at my first appointment where I felt like I couldn’t even listen to what was been said to me it was so fuzzy. So far the OB hasn’t stressed about it so I’m not really concerned but I assume some of the dizziness I’ve had lately is likely related to the low blood pressure.

My nausea over the last couple of weeks has been really rough and I’ve had some really miserable days because of it. On Saturday, I was thinking about how it had been like 2-3 weeks since I’d thrown up. That didn’t last long because Sunday morning breakfast came up before I was even finished eating. I’m tired of feeling sick…

I’m really starting to feel the stretching and pulling on all the muscles that are supporting this growing baby. My back and sacrum are also really starting to feel the pressure but a few minutes of a daily rub from Brady are giving me some relief.

Food Aversions/Cravings

It seems as though it’s impossible for me to eat anything without it making me feel sick. Often the only time I don’t feel completely nauseous is when I’m eating. Cereal is one of the worst offenders which is sad because cereal is the perfect snack. 

So many people have said that their constant nausea disappeared the exact moment the baby was born so if it decides to stick around the whole pregnancy, then I can’t wait for the sweet relief! haha. 

Currently, my favorite foods are mayo salads (egg salad, potato salad, macaroni salad), mashed potatoes, and cooked green beans.


We’ve been taking fairly regular walks around our neighborhood lately either first thing in the morning or late evening since sunset isn’t until 8:30 pm now. I always carry 1-2 ice packs to keep me from overheating – which lets us walk longer because once I’m getting hot, it’s game over. Brady also carries my stainless steel Camelbak water bottle with fresh cold water which also helps with keeping cool. Hydration is so important, especially since I’ve learned that dehydration can trigger preterm labor!

30 weeks pregnancy update walking
I have a random talent for spotting these from the corner of my eye while on a walk.

My last exercise ball got a hole – probably from the cat. I just ordered the Theraband Pro Series Ball – the same brand Brady uses with his patients at work so it should be more durable. I’m planning on trying wall assisted squats since I’ve been told that squats helpful in preparing for labor.

Maternity/Baby Purchases

Last week, I stopped by a Once Upon a Child (second-hand kid’s shop). Right now I’m trying to find deals on things that we still need off of our registry. I was lucky to find a Love to Dream Swaddle Up for $4.50 that usually sells new for $30! It was in great condition so I was happy to find that. There’s no telling what gear baby is going to love or hate so discounted gear is amazing.

It’s really starting to hit me that we’re in the home stretch and baby WILL be here within the next 10-11 weeks whether I’m ready or not. I am really hoping to avoid a c-section, epidural, and honestly any kind of medication but I feel like I really need to prepare as much as I can to make this possible (barring any complications of course). I wanted to look into having a doula because statistically they help lower the need for a c-section but Brady wanted this experience to be more about us being together so I decided to let it go and focus on getting US ready. I’ve been using the Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth as my main pregnancy book but I just purchased a few books to help prepare for childbirth. 

5 Pregnancy Books for Natural Childbirth

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

If you are considering a natural birth, the Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth has got you covered. This was like my pregnancy bible. It’s well written, easy to understand, has many recommendations of other resources, and backs up the information given with facts and studies. It was so helpful and I highly recommend it!

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way: Revised Edition


Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way: Revised Edition has been the most helpful in practicing specific pain management techniques and preparing my husband to help during birth.

The Birth Partner

The Birth Partner book is one of the best reads for your spouse/support person!

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

Image result for ina may guide to childbirth

I cannot recommend Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth enough. I thought it was odd and too “spiritualistic” feeling at first. As I read more, I was blown away and at awe for my body as a woman. I am so thankful for the confidence that this book brings for mothers who especially desire a natural birth. Over half the book is stories of real moms and births and the other half is a breakdown of things that can happen during typical hospital births. Honestly… If I were to recommend only one pregnancy book, it would probably be this one.

The Big Book of Birth

Image result for the big book of birth

If you want some extra reading, The Big Book of Birth covers all your birth basics.

Overall Feelings

Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the enormity of what’s about to take place and how much our lives are about to change. Sometimes I can’t wait because I just want to hold my little one in my arms and then other times I’m okay waiting a little while longer because I’m scared of the unknown. I don’t know if this is normal, but I’m actually really looking forward to breastfeeding this baby. Maybe that’s weird to say now since I have no experience and I’m sure there are people out there that are like, “hahaha, just wait and see” but for now it’s an experience I’m looking forward to.

My favorite moment of the last couple weeks was this past weekend when Brady and I were laying in bed together just watching the baby kicking in my belly. We were talking about life as parents and laughing at the different movements he was making. The best moment of the whole thing was when baby started kicking or punching and it looked like someone was playing the bongos on the inside of my belly! Brady’s reaction was hilarious and baby only stopped because I was laughing so hard. 

Thanks for reading today!

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