
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!!! It’s hard to believe we’re in the new year already but I’m hoping that with this new year and this fresh start, 2017 is going to be a special year. Last year ended kind of rough for me. A few months ago I ended up having to deal with something that was unexpected and extremely difficult. Because of that I’ve dealt with another bout of depression and it definitely affected my health. It’s going be hard for a while to come, but time is healing.

While dealing with this heavy load, life has still managed to do some exciting things. Get ready for lots of pictures!

My husband and I moved into our own apartment in mid-November! Moving day was long but it’s nice to be in our own space again.

moving truck

One of the nice things about moving is that we’re now living very close to the mall and to Centennial Lake. Living close to Centennial is actually one of my favorite things about the move!

Since moving, we’ve had our friends over multiple times to play games, decorate cookies and just hang out.

I handmade a few gifts this year for Christmas and quickly designed and printed a few cute labels for the things I made.

For Christmas we spent the day at my dad’s new house. Festivities started “early” around 8 am and my sister was not in the mood to be woken up before Brady and I got there haha.

This past week we did a few of the typical Christmas things (even though it was after Christmas…)

We went to Brookeside Gardens to see the Garden of Lights that they do every year. My siblings love going to the conservatory to see the train displays and play the “I spy” seeking games they have planned out.

Image may contain: outdoor
Brookeside Gardens lights
Brookeside Gardens lights
Brookeside Gardens lights
Brookeside Gardens lights

And then for new year’s eve, we met my family down in DC to see the National Tree, the White House, and then the two of us went to see the Zoo Lights at the National Zoo.

Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo
Zoo Lights at the National Zoo

This was our first time at the Zoo lights and I loved it, it was so magical seeing all the trees lit up. It wasn’t too cold and it was also a great walk.

Sorry for the scattered post, but I wanted to share a few pics and highlights. There’s so much more to share but I’ll save it for another day because I think this picture post has been long enough 😉 Happy new year everyone!

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  • Reply Ashlee January 10, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    Near the mall and near Centennial? We must live really close to each other!!

    • Reply meaganleanne January 11, 2017 at 9:28 am

      I think we do! It’s been nice living here 🙂 We probably both moved around the same time as well!

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